Saturday, November 6, 2010

I just realised that my last blog entry is a bit too emotional and long-winded for daily consumption. I apologise for this -_-

I'll be back to normal blogging starting from......whenever these exams decides to leave my life once and for all.

Actually, I don't even know what normal blogging is anyway. All my posts seem to have turned into these ridiculous lengthy discussions of soul searching.

Guess it depends on what you think a purpose of a blog is for.

It's suppose to be for rant (well in my eyes anyway), whether its stupid, lengthy, crazy, insane ranting about topics well beyond daily activities that only reflects what an emotional sod I am, it should be still considered as perfectly fine ranting.

So whoever reads this (I don't even know if anyone does anymore)

Here's to all the emotional sods in the world. Because we're far more epic than the ones that don't feel anything.

(Cheers?) *clinks with my invisble mug of beer* (because I can't drink in real life anyway, a sober emotional that even possible?)

Okay back to studying now

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